Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Enjoying Life with Boh Tong's Diary

I learn blogging from BT.  He morphed into a successful blogger after retiring as a Cabin Crew Executive.  He is a consumate storyteller.  Recently, he started a diary like me.  Unlike me, I write about my daily routine to capture a thread of my life so that I can review in future if my memory fails me, BT write about food he ate or cooked and illustrate them with beautiful photos.

It is clear that he is having a good time enjoying nice meals wherever he goes.  The meals cost range can up to $50/head.  As I read his diary, I feel he is living life.  I am the same way.  I sometime worry I am paying too much for my regular meals e.g. Coca or Ma Maison.  When I see my friend, BT is having similar meals, I do not feel so spendthrift and that I should also pamper myself and my family.  For homecooked meals, it is nice to enjoy good cuts of beef or scallops or Alaskan crabs.  So yes, BT is enjoying life and so am I!


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

That's right BL we ought to enjoy life as it is short and not everlasting. I enjoy reading your stories too. Happy to read your 3 boys are growing up so fast. When we started blogging they were just kids, about 9 years ago right?

BookLover said...

You are right! They are growing fast indeed. Time flies.